Pokemon Crystal Item Randomizer Discord - https://discord.gg/AGvV97Vbj6
General Information Post: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zraliVfFSl0PYVnso5ff_SdASy4QLj3OyXk_ujmNPyc/
Rules & FAQ Post: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D7UAJo7h4pq1_q_lLthjys0AtMapdEhe02bOtKQOGJA/
Link to Stage 1: https://challonge.com/2023fullitemrandostage1
Schedule: https://schedule.speedgaming.org/pkmncrystal
Each race will be completed 1v1. If you join this tournament, you MUST be able to stream and have a racetime.gg account to participate. Each of the matches will be restreamed on the SpeedGaming (or RandomizerBrasil if there is a Brazilian restream) channels when available. During the races you are not allowed to be given information from your chat or to have your opponent's stream open or any other form of cheating. Either of these will result in a DQ for the race.
All randomized ROMs will be provided by tournament admins for the races. Both players use the same ROM for the races.
winner of each match will be
the person who can defeat Red first. This will be using a tournament
version of Crazy Item Randomizer. That means hidden items, day/happiness items, berry/apricorn trees, and all
badges are shuffled in to the item pool.
Countdowns for each race take place in racetime.gg . The start point will be from the options confirmation menu after selecting the required options for the speedchoice ROM. Once CV codes are confirmed matching and both players are ready, the countdown will commence. Time stops when someone defeats Red with the stats are shown. The winner must then .done in racetime.gg. The racetime.gg .done signifies the end of the race and that you are in fact, done.