First off if you do not know what C&E basically I will give you a basic Pokemon, then if you win your battle you will take one of your opponents Pokemon and evolve on of yours. C&E means Catch and Evolve.
My C and E tournament rules:
Rules: 1.) Important to know: You are allowed one reroll pokemon to replace your starter pokemon. But, if you are given a reroll pokemon then you are stuck with that reroll pokemon.
2.)Important: Check your Pokemon Showdown chat messages often. If you need to battle someone to advance in the tournament then message and/or challenge them to a battle and if they do not respond to you in 2 minutes-then message me. Then I will message them and if they do not respond to me in 2 minutes-then they are disqualified.
Even if your preparing a team, still make sure to check your messages to see if someone messaged you. If they have-then message them back, that you are preparing a team and how long it will take to finish preparing that team.
3.)No focus sash in the first round.
4.)Pm me for your starter.
5.)Mega evolution counts as an evolution.
6.)Battle Format is OU.
7.) No scouting
8.) Pm me if you have any Questions or problems.
9.) No FEAR Pokemon (Rattata with Sash Endeavor, Aron with Sturdy Berry Juice Endeavor etc.)
What are C&E Elites?
C&E Elites are the winners of my C&Es that earn exclusive perks for their victory. These people can enter my Elite-only C&Es which will determine the C&E Lord which is the top position(This position will be explained more in the future) Elites can also challenge each other for ranking but you both must PM me that you want to battle each other and I will explain the specific rules to the both of you.
Elite matches-
An Elite match is a battle between C&E elites that determines their rank. If an elite declines the match rudely or makes an excuse, I will advance the one who makes the challenge. The match works by each of you guys getting 4 random POkemon each, which consist of two Basic Pokemon one Middle staged Pokemon and one fully Evolved Pokemon. It's basically like a final round of a C&E. The winner of this match will advance on the leaderboard and you can only challenge the person one spot above you. If you are #1 on the Leaderboard that means you are the #1 C&E Elite and not the C&E Lord, that's a little different.
You may only challenge someone once a week.
C&E Elites
1. ForSureMoFo*
2. DeeesNuts
3. SlothNuts
4. MikeLeo21
5. OneMadJack
6. Raichu10000
7. Destindestroyerer
8. Cuzzie
9. Pikapwnd
10. CaptainChrismatt
11. BigBoyCupcakes
12. Emboar11
13. Zuchiha
14. Snowfur1029
15. TxGStyles
16. Walksacred
17. SXCjebus
18. 2XN
19. Hellfury92
20. TheSoulDefender
21. Icey Warzone
22. tasteslikejuly
23. Zelfore
24. Kos_Hyperbeam
25. thebluerabbit
26. yuitaeth
27. Mar1onette 2 points
28. Daisy161 1 point
29. megaslowbro1
30. douevenswitchbro
31. F-oh-ex
32. d4nK
C&E Lord?
This title is given to the person who wins during the special Elite C&E. You win be given 3 starters for this C&E so battles will be a little longer than normal C&Es. The winner will be crowned the C&E Lord!
C&E Lord- No one yet