--Prize pool
£10 starting prize pool
70% to first place
30% to second place
If the prize pool reaches £50 or more, there will be a 50/30/20 split
If the prize pool reaches £100 or more, there will be a 50/25/15/10 split
---Connection / Region Rules
Must be a part of the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa)
Must have a good connection to the Central Europe region
Crossplay Allowed
If hardware is severely affecting connections you may be DQ'd
Wifi is not permitted
A TO may ask you for a connection test at any time
Complaints regarding connection must be made before the set is finished
Connection complaints must be made before game 2 of a set, you may only break this rule in the event of 'severe' connection issues later on (major constant spikes, ping increases to an unplayable amount).
If a connection test must be done please use and post the results when asked, and play a test game with a TO
In the event that both players have an average connection and the only issue is routing, the set will be played out or you may ask a TO to coinflip (coinflip only allowed if the game is truly unplayable)
In the event that 1 player is the cause of the issue (extremely high ping or rollback, unstable connection), they will be DQ'd accordingly. Consistent spikes, even if somewhat uncommon, may also result in a DQ to keep competitive integrity.
---Tournament rules
Free Entry
Make sure your Challonge name matches both your ingame and discord name.
Double Elimination
Best of 5 / First to 3
No Player Cap
Loser may switch, Winner must stay
Stage Restrictions apply (Should choose from 12-Dimensional Flux Observatory, "A Happy Family", Council of Three, Lars Canyon or Seventh Heaven District for stream games, however its recommended for non stream games too)
Only 1 account per player may enter
Players must update scores on Challonge themselves, in the event that they can't please @ a TO.
If a player disconnects during loading, there is no penalty
If a player disconnects midgame, the opponent is awarded a point
Players must show up within 5 minutes of being pinged by their opponent. If they don't show up within that time contact a TO and they'll have a final 5 minute warning. Failure to show up means an immediate DQ
---Tournament conduct
Flaming players isn't tolerated unless its in good fun. Breaking this rule several times may result in a temporary ban
The tournament will likely not start until 5-10 minutes after the set time to finalise seeding and stream games. Please be patient and only ping for your matches once told