
Organized by

TeamWP Fledgies #64, Ultra Gold and below.

Hi everyone, just a quick reminder about our rules for entering Fledgling Tournaments:

1.  Participants are ranked Rookie - Ultra Gold.

2. Have not ever reached Platinum (or higher) previously including Alts and Demotions.

3. Have not won 3 Fledgling tournaments previously.

4. Smurfing a Fledgling tournament will result in an instant ban from the Discord.

We've had to ban one member tonight for breaking these rules after previously being warned and we'd prefer not to have to do it again. Fledgling's is a fun tournament created to invite new members to our FGC and give them an entry point into competitive Street Fighter 5. Let's encourage good sportsmanship with each other! pompom 

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third



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