It's good to be back.
Saturdays 9:30 pm est streamed at
**1st Place is GUARANTEED $100**
2nd $50 & 3rd $20 (can change due to any pot bonuses)
**Please have your CFN as your challonge name or in it so your opponents and I can find you**
***Please check in 15 mins before the tournament (9:15pm est) or you will be DQ'd***
How to communicate with your opponents during tourneys!
2/3 matches until top 8, then it will become 3/5. Will stream 2 matches per winners group, if you are not called on stream use the Discord group to find your opponent.
Keep in mind this is an online tournament, you may experience lag and rollback even though it's an NA based tournament lag can still happen, that said please do your best to fight through it if it occurs or kindly ask your opponent if they can improve their connection. Good luck!
Rules: Please change your name on Challonge to your CFN so myself and your opponent can find you! Crossplay is allowed. 2/3 matches until top 8, then it will become 3/5. You may switch characters if you lose. North American tournament due to it being online and lag. If you are playing off stream, both players report the score to Discord or Stream.