Meet on NA server in channel: /join BBBOpen
Format: Double elimination.
Upper bracket: Best of 3, Grand Final Bo5. If Lower bracket finalist wins Bo5 -> Follow-up Bo3 (upper bracket advantage)
Lower bracket: Bo1 until LB Round 7, then Bo3 (see bracket for info)
Check-in open 1 hour before start.
For any questions not answered in the description feel free to join Rotti's Discord
1st - 400$
2nd - 200$
3rd - 100$
4th - 50$
5-6th - 40$
7-8th - 30$
9-12th - 20$
13-16th - 10$
MVP Bonus - 50$ (For most impressive performance, chosen by Rotti)
Donation Bonuses paid out:
MaNa 75$ (including 50$ MVP)
HeroMarine 25$
Mixu 25$
Tronder 25$
El Dorado
Ley Lines
Whispers of Gold
Frostline LE
[TLMC17] StarChild
[TLMC18] Sidetracked
PT: Talisman [WINTER]
We're using 6 of the 'new' ladder maps. The 3 old ones have been replaced by other great maps that haven't been used on ladder as a show of appreciation for our fantastic community mapmakers.
For a more detailed overview of the maps you can check out this document.
Vetos: Lower seed first.
Bo5 Veto ABBA -> Pick ABBA+Decider
Bo3 Veto ABABAB -> Pick AB+Decider
Bo1 Lower bracket map pre-decided in bracket
Communicate with your opponent to find the fairest possible server. In case of disputes refer to the Default Server Cross Table or ask an admin.
Lobbies should be created using the "Observer PlusPlus + Geyser" mod. Please set the settings as follows:
- Game Duration: Infinite - Game Speed: Faster - Locked Alliances: Yes - Game Privacy: No Match History
Streaming your Point of View is allowed. If you would like to cast please contact rotterdam08 on Discord or E-Mail [email protected] with details of where you'd like to stream and who you are.
Admins: Pie, RotterdaM08
- Walkover time is 15 minutes. If your opponent doesn't show within the given time please contact an admin in-game or on Discord.
- Please share your lobby link in the in-game channel, especially if requested by approved casters. Only players, approved casters, and admins should be allowed in lobbies.
- Please be polite and considerate to your fellow players and casters. Pauses are allowed, within reason, up to 2 minutes. Reasons should always be provided. Casters, observers, and admins should always ensure that they do not have a negative impact on network or client performance. If a disconnect or technical issue occurs and a pause is extended indefinitely, or the game is closed, please contact an admin so we can arrange a rematch or resume from replay.
- The tournament is open to anyone!
- Race switching is allowed
- Please report results to admins in-game/discord or directly on Challonge to keep the bracket up to date.
- Payouts to winners will be handled by Rotti/Basilisk through Paypal. If not possible, exceptions could be made within reason.