
  • Players
  • Format
    Single Elimination
  • Game
    Bloons TD Battles
  • Start
    July 1, 2017 at 12:00 PM UTC
  • Check-in
Organized by

First Prize

Hello Friends, Welcome to the first BTD LEGENDS TOURNAMENT!

This tournament will be hosted and streamed by BRUNO and LOCKY!

Matches will be BEST OF 3 and BEST OF 5 for final.

To participate you need to signup using  your Bloons TD Battles Name and you MUST JOIN OUR DISCORD. 


All matches will be organised in the #tournament channel in our Discord - YOU HAVE TO JOIN DISCORD TO PLAY THIS TOURNAMENT

Please check the TOURNAMENT START TIME before signing up and make sure you are available for this time slot.

Players who do not arrive in time for their match will be disqualified. We will try to be as reasonable as possible but the tournament organisers decision is final.

Bruno and Locky will spectate as many of the games from the first 32 and 16 as possible - these games will be played concurrently. Bruno and Locky will then spectate and commentate all games from the final 8.


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