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The CSO Challenger is a tournament where you get to face off and see who is the best StarCraft II player. This tournament is for players below 3300 MMR only.

In Game Chat Channel:  /join CSO eSports

Default Server: EU

Admins: Krytos & BloodRayne

Discord Server

If fewer than 6 Players Signup & Check-In the Tournament will be cancelled


Double Elimination

All series are Bo3 and the finals is an Extended Series if required

If the player that advanced from the lower bracket wins the first bo3 in the Grand Finals, another bo3 will be played.If the player that advanced from the winner bracket wins the Finals, there will be no additional bo3.

Ladder Map pool

Map Vetoes: ABAB ABC (A being the higher seeded player, displayed first in the match)

Prize Pool:

The prize pool for this tournament is completely funded through Matcherino.

You can add 0.50$ to the prize pool with the free coupon code CSOC8 in the tournament Matcherino Page.

Prize Distribution:

1st Place - 50%

2nd Place - 30%

3rd Place - 20%


  1. Must not have exceeded 3300 MMR in the last 2 ladder seasons. If you have exceeded the MMR limit but one of your off races hasn't, you are allowed to play your off race providing you have enough ranked games.

  2. You must have 30 or more ranked games in the current season with the race you have chosen to play.

  3. You must have a minimum of 200 career games on your account.

  4. Smurfing in this tournament will not be tolerated, and will result in a ban if found.

  5. No aggressive BM, no toxicity. Any form of cheating (both hacks and stream cheating) will result in an auto-lose from the current tournament and ban from future tournaments.

  6. No race switching allowed mid-series.

  7. Wait for the Admin before jumping into your game as they may want to cast your series.

  8. Grand Finals have to be casted

  9. Walkovers will be given after 15 minutes, but contact admins before taking the walkover.

  10. The default server is EU. Other servers can be played if both players agree on it, but they have to notify the admins.

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third










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