
Organized by

General Rules:

• Anyone can play!

• Map pool: Ladder

• Main server: EU

• Chat channel: CotW

• Both semifinals and finals will be casted, so admin will ask players to hold off on playing those matches so

they may be streamed.

• Replays should be sent to [email protected]

Base Prize Pool: $35 USD


 1st: 70% ($24.50)

                • 2nd: 30% ($10.50)

                • Any additional donations through Matcherino will go directly to the prize pool.

OSC Points:

                 • 1st: 40 (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)

                 • 2nd: 15 (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)

                 • 3rd/4th: 10 (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)

                 • 5th-8th: 5 


                 • Single elimination

                 • Bo3 for every series except Finals, which is Bo5

                 • Server: EU

                 • Matches may be played on other servers only if there is mutual consent.

                 • Bracket is seeded based on OSC World Rankings

Veto Process:

                 • Player on top in the bracket is A

                 • Bo3: ABAB ABC

                 • Bo5: AB ABABC


                 • Stream:

                 • Matcherino: - Coupon code "COTW11" adds $1.00 to the prize pool for free!

                 • Liquipedia:

                 • TL thread:


Other Rules:

                  • Check in begins one hour before the tournament starts. If players don't check in, they will be disqualified.

                  • Players may claim a walkover win if their opponent doesn't show up within 15 minutes. Contact the admin (Chickenman) in order to claim the walkover. If he is not in the in-game chat channel, message him on Discord (Chickenman#1451).

                  • The chat channel is the players' primary method of contacting their opponents. Failure to be present in the in-game chat channel may lead to disqualification.

                  • If a draw happens for whatever reason, then that game must be played again on the same map.

                  • Players may stream their own games, but if they decide to, then they acknowledge the risks associated with doing so. Also, players reserve the right to decline any non-official caster who wishes to stream/observe their matches.

                  • No barcodes, any barcodes will be removed from the bracket. 

                  • No race switching mid-series is allowed. Once map vetoes are completed, players must compete with their current race.

                  • No cheating/hacking of any form is tolerated. Any offenders will be removed from the bracket and banned from future events.

                  • Excessive BM/toxicity is not tolerated as well. Should any players experience this in-game, send a screenshot to the admin Chickenman via Discord and if he determines the evidence is enough, the offending player will be removed from the bracket.

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third














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