General Rules:
• Anyone can play!
• Map pool: Ladder
• Main server: EU
• Chat channel: CotW
• Both semifinals and finals will be casted, so admin will ask players to hold off on playing those matches so
they may be streamed.
• Replays should be sent to [email protected]
Base Prize Pool: $35 USD
• 1st: 70% ($24.50)
• 2nd: 30% ($10.50)
• Any additional donations through Matcherino will go directly to the prize pool.
OSC Points:
• 1st: 40 (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)
• 2nd: 15 (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)
• 3rd/4th: 10 (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)
• 5th-8th: 5
• Single elimination
• Bo3 for every series except Finals, which is Bo5
• Server: EU
• Matches may be played on other servers only if there is mutual consent.
• Bracket is seeded based on OSC World Rankings
Veto Process:
• Player on top in the bracket is A
• Stream:
• Matcherino: - Coupon code "COTW11" adds $1.00 to the prize pool for free!
• Liquipedia:
• TL thread:
Other Rules:
• Check in begins one hour before the tournament starts. If players don't check in, they will be disqualified.
• Players may claim a walkover win if their opponent doesn't show up within 15 minutes. Contact the admin (Chickenman) in order to claim the walkover. If he is not in the in-game chat channel, message him on Discord (Chickenman#1451).
• The chat channel is the players' primary method of contacting their opponents. Failure to be present in the in-game chat channel may lead to disqualification.
• If a draw happens for whatever reason, then that game must be played again on the same map.
• Players may stream their own games, but if they decide to, then they acknowledge the risks associated with doing so. Also, players reserve the right to decline any non-official caster who wishes to stream/observe their matches.
• No barcodes, any barcodes will be removed from the bracket.
• No race switching mid-series is allowed. Once map vetoes are completed, players must compete with their current race.
• No cheating/hacking of any form is tolerated. Any offenders will be removed from the bracket and banned from future events.
• Excessive BM/toxicity is not tolerated as well. Should any players experience this in-game, send a screenshot to the admin Chickenman via Discord and if he determines the evidence is enough, the offending player will be removed from the bracket.