What is up everyone this is Justin Wong and I am here to run online fighting games for lots of different fighting games. We will be reaching out to companies who would like to help support the prize.
Let's run the 11th tournament for Downback Fightclub and this time we will be going with The King of Fighters XV on PC! USA/Canada Residents only
Downback Fightclub #10 (Sponsored by ASTROGaming)
This tournament will use a self reporting system similar to the CPT: Online tournaments. Matches that are chosen for stream will be chosen by me. So please be in my stream while tournament is commencing. Will only be focused on Winner bracket matches until TOP 8 unless a REALLY GDLK LOSER MATCH might happen
Prizes: (Matcherino Pot Prizes payout depends on how much is raised. If over $1,000 TOP 8 will be payed)
1st Place: JWong A40 Headset + Mixamp + Crossbody Sling CS03 + Scout Backpack +A10 Headset + Matcherino POT
2nd Place: A40 Headset + Mixamp + Crossbody Sling CS03 + Scout Backpack + A10 Headset + Matcherino POT
3rd Place: A10 Headset + Mixamp + Scout Backpack + Matcherino POT
4th -8th Place: A10 Headset + (Matcherino Pot if it exceeds over $1,000)
Stream: Https://www.twitch.tv/jwonggg
Big shout outs to the SPONSORS: ASTROGaming for the prizes
If there is a dispute in matches, please bring it up to the TOs in discord and we will decide on what is fair for everyone.
Want to donate to the pot: https://matcherino.com/tournaments/67755/overview
Donate for free as well!! Click on redeem code to add a free $0.50 cents to the pot