
  • Players
  • Format
    Double Elimination
  • Game
    Warcraft III: Reforged
  • Start
    March 7, 2020 at 8:00 PM EST
  • Check-in
Organized by

Welcome to the DuSt League S3 Qualifier. This tournament is open to all who consider Azeroth and Lordaeron their respective regions (North America, South America, South East Asia)

Admins: Bidoux

admins can be contacted in the channel or through the discord here:

Saturday March 7th, 8:00PM Eastern Time

Meet Channel: channel DuSt on North American Server. Players must be in channel to participate.


Every match in winners bracket will be BO3. Losers bracket will be BO1  except for the loser bracket decider match, which will be BO3

For starting map, top seed will veto first as player A, format is ABBA, players will then choose their loser map, in order AB

Hosting for all matches will be done on NA host (West coast for now)

TOP 3 from each qualifier will earn a spot in Season 2

1st qualifier: March 6th, 8PM EST

2nd qualifier: March 7th, 8PM EST

The 16 players will be divided into 4 groups of 4, playing a WCS format, top 2 from each group will move onto the finals

Group A - Friday March 20th, 8PM Eastern

Group B - Saturday March 21st, 8PM Eastern

Group C - Friday March 27th, 8PM Eastern

Group D - Saturday March 28th, 8PM Eastern

Quarterfinals - Friday April 3rd 8PM EST

Semi Finals + GRAND Finals - Saturday April 4th 8PM EST 

Securing Top 8 also guarantees your spot in the next season

Payouts are for top 8 - 400$ guaranteed (plus donations)

1st - 40% of all prize pool 

2nd - 20% of all prize pool 

3rd /4th - 10% of all prize pool 

5th-8th - 5% of all prize pool


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