
  • Players
  • Format
    Double Elimination
  • Game
  • Start
    April 16, 2023 at 3:00 PM CEST
  • Check-in
Organized by


General Rules

  • EU ARMS Challenge uses a ruleset based on the Backroom ruleset
  • Players must be playing from an European Country
  • Communication will be held in the European ARMS Discord in #tournament-chat and the Arena chats so you need to join it:
  • All games are bo3 sets until Top 3. All Top 3 matches are bo5
  • Please communicate in English so that Admins can understand and help
  • Please respect the Admins decisions
  • During the tournament it will be decided which games will be streamed so please wait to play your games until the mods have announced which game will be streamed from each round! Losers bracket won't get streamed so you can just go with your matches there. Winners Semi-Finals and all of the finals (Winners, Losers and Grand Finals) will get streamed!
  • If you have any questions or problems please ping the tournament staff in the Discord (@ tournament staff)

Lag Rules

  • There may be instances of lag in the games. Please show good sportsmanship to Admins and players in such instances.
  • If an opponent has speed up ARMS, the game will continue. Players are allowed to ask for a replaying of 1 match if this occurs. In that case the reporter has to provide proof. Then the player with the connection issue will try to solve it. After that the match will continue.
  • If the problem doesn't get resolved a second time, 1 match will go to player with a stable connection.
  • If your opponent is teleporting and has ARMS going through them. Record this and show it to an admin. If the admin agrees then 1 match will go in favor of player with a stable connection.
  • If a player disconnects due to connection issues, that player will forfeit that match (0-0 → 0-1).
  • If there's lost connections several times, that player will be disqualified and forfeits that match (0-0 → 0-2).
  • If you run into any lag or disconnect issues and the opponent agrees, you are allowed to circumvent the Lag Rules above once and replay 1 match. Otherwise the Lag Rules above will still apply.

Other Notes

  • It's recommended for all players to play with a wired connection.
  • If you have a poor internet connection, make sure to not throttle your connection by tuning into streams, play videos or download anything.
  • Keep in mind that if players fail to resolve situations by themselves, Admins are allowed to make decisions to prevent stalling of the tournament.
  • Please remember to put in your scores after your match is finished
  • Be respectful! Unsportsmanlike conduct will be punished (on a case to case basis).

Starter Stages: 

-Sparring Ring

- Buster Beach

- Mausoleum

- DNA Lab

- Temple Grounds

Counter Picks:

- Via Dolce

- Ninja College

For the first match players will strike in a 1-2-1 format from the starter stages. The higher seeded player will ban first. 

After the match the counter picks are available and the winner from the previous match will ban 2 stages. The loser then picks one stage he wants to play on.

You are also allowed to agree on a specific stage to play on or to put on all legal stages and then play on a random stage from them.

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third









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