Smash Tournament Telegram Chat
Note: The main tournament will start on Saturday. Some initial matches may be called before this time, depending on turnout.
Best of 3, Single Elimination (Finals will be Best of 5)
3 Stock, 8 Minutes
No Items
No Stage Hazards
No Final Smash Meter
No Spirits
No Spiking Controllers
Players will start a set by agreeing on a Starter Stage, choosing from the list below. After this, the player who lost the previous match in the set gets to pick a stage from either the Starter or Counterpick Stages below.
These rules can be circumvented via the Gentleman's Rule, except for spiking controllers. Don't do that.
Battlefield (or Battlefield Forms)
Final Destination (or Omega Forms)
Pokémon Stadium 2
Small Battlefield
Yoshi's Story
Lylat Cruise
Kalos Pokémon League
Town and City
Hollow Bastion
Questions asked during tournament registration are not public and are used only for behind-the-scenes bookkeeping.