IndyK Crew Weekly Cup #37
Start: 6pm CET
Checkin: from 5:30pm CET
Prize Pool: $35
1st: $24.50 (70%)
2nd: $10.50 (30%)
OSC points, with split as follows:
1st 40 OSC points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)
2nd 15 OSC points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)
3rd/4th 10 OSC points each (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)
5-8th 5 OSC points each
+ IndyK Crew Weekly Cup Leaderboard points towards $1500 Super Series Playoff Qualification:
1st: 3, 2nd: 2, 3/4th: 1, 5/8th: 0.5
To claim your prize:
Open to all
Server: EU
Channel: IKCup
Single Elimination Bracket
All matches Bo3, Finals Bo5
Mappool: Current Map Pool
Approved streamers:
English/Polish: -
Overall Rules:
Players races cannot be changed throughout a series. A player may chose to pick another race after a finished series. The desired race MUST be announced clearly to the opponent before the veto for a series starts. Random counts as race.
Default waiting time is 15 minutes
Barcodes are not allowed to play.
Default server is the EU server.
Make sure your privacy settings allow others to contact you.
In the event of a disconnect players must restart from replay three seconds from when the disconnect happened.
The stream has a delay of 2 minutes to prevent stream cheating, however, players are asked to leave the channel while their matches are casted.
Prize money is paid out via Matcherino and always minus Matcherino fees.