In order to participate in this tournament you must have filled out this form 24 hours in advance, if you have not filled out the form in this time you will be removed from the bracket.
Meet in Chat Channel /join Legion Cup on the EU Server
Legion Cup Masters Biweekly #1 with a prize pool of 226 Circuit points to be spread as follows among the top 8:
1st - 60
2nd - 38
3-4th - 28
5-8th - 18
Matcherino (Prize pool): (use code weekly3 to add 0.5$ for free!)
Prize pool split: 66% first place, 34% second place.
You have 15 minutes after your match is ready to begin playing, if you are not in game and ready to start your match when the time is up, you will be walked over.
Both semi finals will be streamed so please wait for a streamer before beginning if you reach them.
Server Rules:
KR/SEA/ANZ/CN vs EU east - Odd Number of Games on US Central, Even on US West
KR/SEA/ANZ/CN vs EU West- Odd Number of Games on US West, Even on US Central
NA West vs EU - US East
NA Central/East vs EU - Odd Number of Games on EU, Even on NA
NA vs KR - US West
NA vs CN/SEA/ANZ - US West
LatAm vs KR/CN/SEA/ANZ - US West
ANZ vs SEA - Odd Number of Games on Australia, Even on Singapore
KR vs SEA - Taiwan
Veto Process:
Player A - Higher MMR
Player B - Lower MMR
Best of Three - ABBA BAC
Best of Five - AB BABAC