
Organized by

You must be a member of our discord and verify yourself in the proper channel. If you are not, you will be removed from the tournament without warning.


In game chat channel that can be used to find your opponent is LMML to join, log onto NA and /join LMML)

This tournament is only for players who have maintained an average MMR under 5300 MMR in the last 90 days. Some exceptions can be made. Just @HJD#5904 on discord.

Participants must have played at least 30 ranked ladder games in the last 90 days on the race they want to play to be eligible for the tournament. Automated tournament games do not count as verification games.

Random is allowed but the player must have at least 20 ranked games as all races this season.

Offracing will be allowed if under certain circumstances. Please DM me for more details.

No barcode names.

This tournament is a GSL Style where participants must play one of their matches each week.

For the round of 32 and 16, the matches are a Bo3.

Round of 8 and 4 are a Bo5.

Finals is a Bo7.

All communication with your opponent must be done in the appropriate discord channel so that Admin can see what is said if there are any problems. Any communications outside of the discord channel will not be counted.

If you schedule a time to play with an opponent and they keep you waiting for over 15 minutes then you and your opponent will be expected to reschedule the match. If it becomes a problem then you will be banned from future events. Our goal here is to play StarCraft 2 games and a walkover will only be awarded as a last resort after all other avenues have been exhausted. @HJD#5904  if you have concerns.

A play cannot continue to dodge a player once the first player has missed a time to play. If I feel there is enough time to still play the games out and the second player continues to make excuses then it can be possible that they will be penalised and might be walk overed. 

Map pool is current season. Higher MMR is A; lower MMR is B. Veto/map pick system is ABAB/ABC (bo3), ABA/BABC (bo5), ABABABC (bo7)

Maps are played on whichever server both players agree to.

NA to NA - Default is NA Central

NA to EU - Default is NA East

Rules for Asia: Click me

Excessive BM will not be tolerated. If you have concerns or problems with an opponent’s play, directly contact an admin instead of voicing your concerns in the public chat.

All rules are at the admin’s discretion.

In case of a draw, replay the map.

The tournament will begin a week after we get 32 players.

This bracket is a preview and subject to change until the tournament is started.

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