
Min-Min's Bizarre Adventure: Dragon is Unbreakapawl

  • Players
  • Format
    Single Elimination
  • Game
  • Start
    November 2, 2018 at 10:00 PM GMT
  • Check-in
Organized by

You thought it was a regular tournament, but it was me...DIO!

Another one of those crazy, noisy, bizarre 8 person tournaments! This time round, everyone will be playing as their favourite Min-Min!

All ARMS and stages will be legal, bring your best noodle waifu!

Matches will be played on stages as and how the game sees fit to bless with it's RNG.

Quarter finals and Semi-Finals will be a best of 3 series and the Final will be a best of 5.

There is no requirement to declare any changes of character or ARMS between games.

Each  match of the tournament will be streamed, so there will be some waiting around.

All communication will be handled through the Slaxadaisical Discord server here:

Players will be pinged when their match is next on stream. Please ensure that you have Pawl S.Lax (or whatever memey name he is using at the time) added to your friend list before the tournament commences - 0656-1636-5890

The entirety of the tournament will be streamed live at

The winner will receive a 1 month Tier-1 subscription to the above Twitch channel and a smug sense of self-satisfaction!

Final Results





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