
Organized by
  • Open only to players who have made less than $8,000 USD in Starcraft 2 tournament earnings. Our source for this data will always be OR aligulac, as new information suggests that it's more accurate. 
  • Join the NA group Platypro with this link: battlenet:://starcraft/group/1/392070  And/or stay in the group channel for the duration of the tournament (simply should be called "Platypro").
  • Check-in opens 2 hours before tournament start.  MUST CHECK-IN TO PLAY.  
  • Open globally, server priority is  Americas unless both players agree otherwise.  Both players are encouraged to find a middle ground server location.  If NA + EU, default is US East.  If NA + KR, default is US West.  
  • You may play any race you choose for any round in the tournament as long as your opponent knows your race before going into vetoes.  You may choose random as your race.  If and only if both players agree to it, you may change your race mid-round (after vetoes). 
  • Double elimination bracket.
  • Rounds of 64 and before are Best of 1.
  • Lower bracket is Best of 1 until the lower bracket finals which are best of 3.
  • Upper bracket is Best of 3 until the finals which are Best of 5 with the winner of the upper bracket gaining a 1 game advantage.
  • Veto Format: ABBA BAC or alternatively if both players agree, they may veto in another format.
  • In the finals, the winner of the upper bracket gets 1 veto, and the winner of the lower bracket gets 2 vetoes.  The winner of the upper bracket has a 1 game advantage so there will only be 4 maps played total, chosen as ABAB.  
  • Map Pool: Standard Ladder Map Pool
  • The official stream will be  and it will be casted by various people.  
  • TL Thread:
  • Liquipedia Page:
  • Feel free to join the Discord
  • Now you can donate with matcherino!  Use code "PP28" for this week:
  • If your in game name is different from your name here, go to the settings tab in challonge and edit name in this fashion: "ChallongeName ( name)".  
  • Walkover period is 15 minutes after brackets go live and 10 minutes after each additional round start in which a player can't find another player.
  • This walkover rule has exceptions if the bracket has not advanced far enough to cause wait times for other players.  Players may ladder in between games, and not be penalized if the winner of the waiting opponent would face a player who has *not finished their series*.  
  • Seeding is done by aligulac points.  If I can't find you on aligulac, likely you will be stuck with a low seed, unless I am otherwise informed.
  • Remember this tournament is simultaneously a ladder to bigger and better things, and a safe place against all the scary players, don't feel bad playing in it :).  
  • Smurfing is absolutely not allowed, as this tournament needs to be transparent as it is (with its core rule restricting by career earnings).  
  • If you do not message your opponent within 10 minutes and they are looking for you, and they are in the correct channel with the same name as on challonge, you have decided to forfeit your match.  
  • Payments will go out via matcherino, so please add yourself to the player list if you make the top 8.
  • If you forfeit any games in the finals, you will forfeit half the second place prize.  If you forfeit the entire finals, you will forfeit the entire second place prize.  


    1st               - $20.00

    2nd             - $10.00

    3rd/4th     - $5.00

    5th-8th     - $2.50

    These numbers might change based on donations/sponsors!  I want to keep the percents the same week to week, so 

    first place gets 40%, 

    2nd - 20%,

     3rd/4th - 10%, and 

    5th-8th gets 5% of the prize pool.  

    OSC point spread:

    1st               -  60 points

    2nd             -  30 points

    3rd              -  20 points

    4th              -  10 points

    5th-8th      -  5 points

    Find Nistic aka Charmquark_ on to give paypal information.  

    If you would like to donate to the prize pool of this tournament or future tournaments, your support is welcome!

     [email protected] is the paypal addresses you should send to!  Be sure to add a message for what it is for, a directly link is shown above in the description. 

    If you would like to cast, please message Nistic aka Charmquark_ and he will give you a caster's document.

    If there are any controversial games, send your replays to [email protected].

    Please wait to play if you're in the semi-finals as we would like to cast those games and the finals, though we realize this may not always be possible, and subject to change.  

    Platy-pro Power Rankings are now out covering the first 16 tournaments:

    Be respectful and have fun!

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third















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