Brought to you by Grunkle Barlowe & Javamorris, Rodeo Regional is a region-locked Them's Fightin' Herds tournament aimed at providing the smoothest possible competitive tournament experience.
The tournament is open entry, and players of all skill levels are encouraged to join! Can't join? Feel free to watch the stream or join the Discord for future tournament announcements!
This is a region locked tournament, available only to Canada & the continental United States. Alaska, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Mars, Mexico, Cuba, & DR are not eligible and forbidden from entering
You must have a stable, wired connection. Wi-Fi is not stable under any circumstances. If you're unsure about your connection quality, ping @Organizers in the Discord - we can meet with you in the lobby for a quick check.
You will be DQ’d from the tournament for poor connection quality. If your opponent is suffering from connection issues, let the @Organizers in the Discord know as early in the set as possible.
Check-in is 1 hour before tourney start. Players who do not check in will be given 5 minutes after tourney start before they are DQ'd. Players who check in will be given 10 minutes after tourney start before they are DQ'd.
Players are encouraged to locally record their sets to help resolve potential disputes.
Sets are best 2/3 until losers finals, winners finals, and grand finals, which are 3/5.
The bracket is double elimination.
Shadow palettes are banned unless both players agree to it and a stage beforehand
If your opponent picks a shadow palette without your consent, you can alt+f4 and request that they change. Matches played to completion will count regardless.
Games will be hosted in classic lobbies until top 8, when we will switch to the Rodeo Regional pixel lobby. Everything will be hosted in the Rodeo Regional pixel lobby if there are <= 24 entrants.
Sets will be marked for stream. Do not play your set until instructed if you are marked for stream.