
Tournament completed! Post an announcement to share updates to your community.

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Main streams: Chickenman | DaveTesta | TOP | HyperONE

Please support the SC: Evo Complete developers: Official Discord | Official Patreon

General Rules:

    • Anyone can play!

    • Main server: NA

    • Channel: SCEvo

    • Admins: Chickenman, DaveTesta, HyperONE, TOP

    • Authorized casters: 

        * English: Bulmyeolja, Chelch, Light_VIP, Nihed, Steadfast, ZombieGrub
        * Other Languages: INu, Enki, Indy, SiaN, 风间琉璃

    • Mod: "SC: Evo Complete" (we do not use the PTR or the K-Edition)

    • Stream delay: None

    • Seeding: Based roughly on Aligulac rating and performance in prior SC: Evo Complete events. If no reliable rating is available, organizers will seed players at their discretion.

    • Single-elimination bracket:

        * Bo3 before Finals.

        * Bo5 Finals.

            - Map 1 of the Finals is Golden Wall.

            - Map 2 of the Finals is Paradoxxx 2.

    • You must select your BW and SC2 main race at the start of the event.

        * You can only play as those races for the entire event.

        * NO OFF-RACING!

    • Vetoes (do these BEFORE picking BW / SC2):

        * Bo3: ABBA BAC

        * Bo5 (Finals): AB XYBAC (X = Golden Wall, Y = Paradoxxx 2)

    • BW / SC2 rules:

        * Game 1, 3, 5: A (upper name) picks who plays BW and who plays SC2.

        * Game 2, 4: B (lower name) picks who plays BW and who plays SC2.

        * If you play as BW, your opponent MUST play as SC2, and vice versa.

    • Servers:

        * Whatever server(s) is fairest. If you do not know what is fair, ask an admin.

Map Pool:

    • Alcyone LE

    • Golden Wall LE

    • Oceanborn LE

    • [SC: Evo Complete] Paradoxxx 2 (패러독스 2) TE

    • [SC: Evo Complete] Polypoid (폴리포이드) TE

    • [SC: Evo Complete] Retro

    • [SC: Evo Complete] Sylphid (네오 실피드) TE

Prize Pool: $300 (+$25) + Matcherino contributions.

    • 1st: 50%

    • 2nd: 25%

    • 3rd/4th: 12.5%

    • 2 random participants (non-top 4): $12.50 flat. You must submit ALL replays in the #replays channel on the Discord server, or directly to HyperONE on Discord to be eligible for this bonus prize, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Other Rules:

    • Check-in begins 1 hour before the event. Players who do not check in are disqualified.

    • Players can claim a walkover win if their opponent does not show up within 15 minutes. Contact an Admin (Chickenman, DaveTesta, TOP, HyperONE) either in-game or on discord in order to claim the walkover.

    • Players should use the in-game chat channel to find their opponents. Failure to be present in the in-game chat channel may lead to disqualification.

    • If a draw happens for whatever reason, then that game must be played again on the same map.

    • Players may stream their own games, but if they decide to, then they acknowledge the risks associated with doing so. Also, players reserve the right to decline any non-official caster who wishes to stream/observe their matches.

    • No unauthorized casters.


    • No cheating/hacking of any form is tolerated. Any offenders will be removed from the bracket and banned from future events.

    • Excessive BM/toxicity is not tolerated as well. Should any players experience this in-game, send a screenshot to the admin via Discord and if they determines the evidence is enough, the offending player will be removed from the bracket.


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