Hello and welcome back to our weekly Monday tournament: Strong Man vs. Other Strong Man
MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN THE CHAT OF THIS GROUP: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/narivals
This will be the 24th installment of SMVOSM.
The rules are as they have always been:
-All of top 8 is best of 5. Everything else is best of 3.
-You may have a gentleman's agreement to do a best of 5 for any set during the tournament so long as both players let me know before they begin their set.
-Self report your scores here on Challonge. We go by an honor system and if a player is found to break this honor system and deliberately enter a false score for their own benefit they will receive a lifetime ban from SMVOSM tournaments.
-Reach out to an admin AS SOON AS YOU HAVE A PROBLEM. (unplayable lag, can't find your opponent, etc)
The TO for this tournament is Willby