
  • Players
  • Format
    Groups (2 → 1) then Single Elimination
  • Game
    DRAGON BALL FighterZ
  • Start
    September 14, 2020 at 7:00 PM ACST
Organized by

This is the weekly DBFZ FT3s hosted by @Tanou/Sendo.

Registration closes 7:30PM AEDT (GMT+10). Matches start 7:45 PM AEST (GMT+10)

Stream at

Please make sure you are in the OCE DBFZ discord: 

Please do not play matches unless you are told to. Matches will not count if you play without permission.

Matches are played best of 5 (First to 3) for all matches.
All matches will be on stream.

(Contact @Tanou/Sendo#2184 or @.the_racoonisme#1539)

Problematic connection may result in a game loss or disqualification. This will be determined case by case.


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