The Crusader/Striker infinites are BANNED
- Players are not allowed to do more than 3x reps for each infinite
- Crusader: 3 reps of repeated 2S OTG sequence
- Striker: 3 Reps of repeated j.A sequence
- Using more than 3x reps will lead to an automatic round loss (message @aisk in #helpdesk in case of a dispute)
The Grappler infinite is BANNED
- Players are not allowed to do more than 1 rep of the 5[M] into 4[S] sequence
- Using more than 1x rep will lead to an automatic round loss (message @aisk in #helpdesk in case of a dispute)
Please sign up with the same name you use in Strive, it will save a lot of time and confusion.
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Remember to check-in to the tournament on Challonge before it starts!
Check-in opens two hours before tournament start.
It will be announced on stream when check-ins are finished (Usually 19:15CEST).
The bracket will also be shuffled before tournament start.
Prizes: The prize pool starts at $10
All donations during the tournament will go directly towards the prize pool.
The winner will get paid through Matcherino.
If the prize pool reaches $20 or less everything will be going to 1st place.
If the prize pool reaches more than $20 it will be split 75/25 between 1st and 2nd place.
If the prize pool reaches more than $60 it will be split 70/20/10 between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Sets are BO3 matches.
Winners finals, Losers finals and Grand finals are BO5 matches.
Eligible regions/countries: Europe, CIS region, Algeria, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, UAE.
Wifi is not permitted, please use an ethernet cable.
4G/5G routers are not permitted.
A TO may ask you for a connectivity test at any time.
Any complaints to a TO regarding connectivity must be made BEFORE a set is finished, otherwise the result will stand.
If connectivity issues are discovered during a match, cease the match immediately and contact a TO.
Players have to update the scores on Challonge themselves after playing a match.
Contact @Aisk in #helpdesk on Discord if you can't get a hold of your opponent, I'll let them know and start a timer, if they don't show up in 10mins they'll be DQ'ed.
Disconnections DURING a match results in 1 match point to the opponent. Disconnecting on the loading screen does nothing, please reload.
If you lose a match you may change your character. The winner of a match is NOT allowed to change their character.
If the winner DOES change their character, it results in 1 match point to the opponent.
It is allowed to change characters in-between sets though!