
Organized by


  • This tournament is open to any player of any skill level.
  • Check in starts 1 hour before the tournament. If you do not check in, you will be disqualified.
  • Seeding will be done using OSC World Rankings.
  • Players will have 15 minutes to begin their match from the first time that both players are available. If a player does not respond within the allotted 15 minutes, their opponent will be awarded a walkover.
  • Join channel Shyrshadi on the NA server to find your admins, casters and opponents (If you cannot find your opponent here, join the OSC channel. There is currently an issue preventing some players from joining the main channel).
  • The tournament is Bo3 format until the finals, which are a Bo5. 
  • The maps will be picked using the ABBA format. The higher seed (A) bans first. The lower seed (B) bans the next two. The higher seed (A) bans the final map. The lower seeded player then picks the first map, and the higher seeded player picks the second map. (ABBA BAC)
  • Laddering or playing other tournaments during this tournament IS ALLOWED! However, If your opponent has to wait for 15mins, or if every other part of the bracket is ahead of you, your opponent will be given a walkover.
  • Games will be played on whichever server both players agree to. In the event an agreement cannot be reached, an admin will decide which server is fair for both players. If you are playing your games in another region, please tell the admin before switching servers.
  • ALL of these rules, as always, are at the current admin's discretion.

Prize Pool

1st $35USD (70%) + 60 OSC points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)

2nd $15USD (30%) + 30 OSC points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)

3rd/4th 15 OSC points each (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)

5-8th 5 OSC points each (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)

9-16th 2.5 OSC points each

+ Shyrshadi Open Leaderboard points towards $1500 Super Series Playoff Qualification:

1st: 3, 2nd: 2, 3/4th: 1, 5/8th: 0.5

To collect prize money, please make sure to register for the player pool at: (Code: Shyr32)

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second














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