Total Prize: 150$ for 1st.
The tournament will feature b01 matches, until we reach top 4, which will then switch to best of 3. The top 4 games will all be casted live on my channel. Do not start top 4 matches until I am in lobby as a spectator.
Blind pick in b01 will be done using:
The event will be ran, and coordinated in this discord: , under the AOE4 section.
Maps (Size Micro, 2 players)
Round 1: Dry Arabia
Round 2: Lipany
Round 3: Altai
Round 4: Hill & Dale
Further round maps will be determined based on the number of sign-ups.
Faction Selection
In the b01 series players may pick any faction using:
In b03 use the following system
In b05 use the following system
Please coordinator your matches in the AOE4 section of the discord, and also sign-up here with your discord name.
Contact Turin with any questions. Do not forget to check-in here on challonge within 1 hour prior. Prize support to be payed via paypal or steam gift card.