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TeamLiquid StarLeague 9 KR Regional Qualifier #3

(4 spots, Single Elimination, seeded by EPT Points)

Players must change their display name to their player name or risk incorrect EPT seeding. (참가하는 선수들은 대진표에 뜨는 이름을 본인의 아이디로 바꿔야 됩니다. 바꾸지 않으면 EPT 랭크에 의한 시드 배치가 잘못될 수 있고 이로 인한 대진표 변경은 이루어지지 않습니다)

Spots available this qualifier: 4 spots

Check-in: 1 hour before (7:00 PM KST)
In-game Channel: TSL9

Server: Korea

Format: Best of 3 (Bo3), Qualifying matches Best of 5 (Bo5)

Admin: Olimoley

Players must have residence in any of the following territories:

South Korea

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the TSL 9 Rules and Team Liquid General Tournament Rules.


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