TeamLiquid StarLeague 9 TW/HK/JP/MO Regional Qualifier #1
(1 spot, Double Elimination, seeded by EPT Points)
For double-elimination qualifiers with over 16 participants: the bracket will be single-elimination up to the Round of 16 (Ro16). From Round of 16 onward, the bracket will be double-elimination.
Spots available this qualifier: 1 spot
Check-in: 1 hour before (2:00 PM CST/Taiwan)
In-game Channel: TSL9
Server: TW
Format: Best of 3 (Bo3), Qualifying matches Best of 5 (Bo5)
Admin: Mage
Players must have residence in any of the following territories:
Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Mongolia, Taiwan
By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the TSL 9 Rules and Team Liquid General Tournament Rules.