!st: $15 , 3 champ skins
2nd: $10, 2 champ skins
3rd: $5, 1 champ skin
Discord: https://discord.gg/J3yjMhK REGION LOCKED TO NA.
-----READ ALL RULES-----
IF YOU ARE ENTERED IN BRACKET WITH A CUSTOM NAME OF --> (example being if i myself entered as a custom name being , Guard Zetterburn) YOU MUST PLAY ONLY THAT CHARACTER. You will be DQ'd to losers side. If you enter your name as normal, Example: Guard, you can play what ever character you want. We do seeding based on what character your playing.
-THE WINNER OF ANY GAME HAS TO LET THE OTHER PERSON KNOW IF THEY ARE SWITCHING TO A DIFFERENT CHARACTER BEFORE THE NEXT GAME STARTS. The reason being that, the loser of any game gets a counter pick. They need to pick a character(If they are switching) as well as the stage based off of what character your using.
-Normal Rivals competitive rule set. So yes there is DSR.
-Top 8 bo5
-If your opponents are taking a while to respond to your ping to play them let me know.
If opponents connection is making the game literally unplayable. They have a good chance of being DQ'd into the losers side of bracket . If issue continues they will be removed from bracket.
If any issues with opponents or sets contact these mods on discord: