
  • Players
  • Format
    Groups (4 → 2) then Single Elimination
  • Game
    Quake Champions
  • Start
    January 6, 2022 at 6:30 PM GMT
Organized by

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        Welcome to Thursday Night Thrashers
                    Ironfoot - €50 Prizepool
                    7:30pm - (19:30) CET

  ----->>> <<<-----

A 50 EURO Prizepool is being offered for the return of TNT!
Each 'Ring out' medal earned on the official stream (links in the Discord) adds an additional 50 Cents to the prizepool. 
Spectators can increase the prizepool by visiting the Ironfoot Matcherino page and clicking "Contribute".
TNT staff will receive 0% of these donations. Everything goes directly to the winners!


65% - 1st Place.
25% - 2nd Place.
10% - 3rd Place.

All skill levels welcome. 


Group Stage sets must be played on a server with the lowest ping difference between players. Example

Final Stage sets will alternate server picks.

Any un-sportsman-like behaviour should be reported to an admin through the TNT Discord Server. (Link above)
One warning will be given. Any further misconduct will result in a disqualification and a potential permanent ban.

A tolerance of 10 minutes is given to all players before match starts.

If a player doesn't show up 10 minutes after game start, their match will be recorded as a loss.
If you are anticipating a delay on your part, please inform an admin. 

In the Semi-Finals and onwards, sets will be streamed, so please wait for a caster before starting your match. 


Gamemode: Time limit duel

Time limit: 10 minutes.

Score limit: 100

Group Stage: 

Round Robin. Bo1. 4 Player per group.
Pick and ban format is 'Timelimit Duel - Estoty Cup - Best of 1'. (

Server must be lowest ping difference between both players.
The reported score is the in-game score.

Tiebreakers decided by Frag Difference. 

TOP 2 players per group make it over to the Final Stage.

Final Stage: 

Single Elimination.
Bo3 Rounds and Semi-Final.
Bo5 Grand Final.

Pick and ban format is 'Timelimit Duel - QPL S2:S2 - Best Of 3'. (

Grand Final pick and ban format is 'Timelimit Duel - QPL S2:S2 - Best Of 5'. (

The reported score is the number of Map wins.
Player that picked the map also picks the server.

Tiebreakers default to Bo1 server rules.

Good Luck, Have Fun!

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third












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