Hey gamers it's CaTS !
Please be on the Eu Rivals of Aether discord : https://discord.com/invite/ZGde6ND4QM
REPLAYS : Click here
Usual tournament rules here, so 3stocks/7min, BO3 until top8, top8 in BO5.
In game pick and ban system, DSR is on. First game is in blind pick for your rivals pick, for the next games the winner of the last one has to tell their opponent before picking an other Rivals.
If you chose randomly your character within the whole cast, you don't have to tell your opponent who you are playing, but you have to do so if you chose randomly in a custom selection.
100e cashprize for top3 as follow : 50%, 30%, 20%. If we reach 24 entrants, it's a 150e cashprize !
No matter what, all caster will received 10e cus if there is a cashprize, we pay the staff.
This tournament is for Europe only.