
USF4 2v2 Team PC Online Tournament Submission City 3.0

  • Players
  • Format
    Double Elimination
  • Game
    Ultra Street Fighter IV
  • Start
    September 26, 2020 at 3:00 PM EDT
Organized by

UG| DJVest and Insanelykrazy are grateful to bring you... USF4 Submission City 3.0: 2v2 Team PC Online Tournament 9/26/20 3pm EST (12pm PST)!

UG Discord:



1st Place: $100

2nd Place: $50

3rd Place: $30

Payout to Top 3 divided for each player in their team

The team will the most unique team name will win a $10 prize. The $10 will be divided into $5 for both players in the team.

12 Teams cap!

*Note* The tournament will take longer due to the fact it's a 2v2 Team Tournament!


- Super Battle Opera (SBO) Rules: Both teams will play in the first round in a AB VS AB order list. If both players for each team survival, both players will play round 2.  

- Best 2 out of 3 (FT2 Set)

- Double Elimination 

- USA/Canda Players Only

- Payout to Top 3 divided for each player in their team

- Characters Lock for the whole tournament 

- Please us know who is in your team for the tournament!


- LAN Cable Only

- You have 5 mins to play and report your matches, if you don't that. you will be DQ!

-Button checks are only allowed in the character select (If you really must check in game, only one allowed per set)

Collusion: In the event of players are found colluding or purposely performing at lower than potential and influencing tournament results. UG will follow strikes policy via judges evaluation.

1st Strike: Players will be given a verbal warning and will not acquire any points for the tournament

2nd Strike: Players will no longer be a part of able to complete at any UG events. All the points that was earned during this event will be voided. 

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second

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