Quick links: Stream - Join us on Discord!
European Fightcade 2 tournament - join lobby TournoisSSF2XFR - install
- Turbo 1
- Single elimination / Simple elimination
- Tous les matches sont en 1 match gagnant (FT1) / All matches are played in a single game (BO1)
Quand vous perdez, vous devez envoyer une excuse de sac sur le chat du
stream / When you lose, make sure to send a scrub excuse on the stream
chat (see top for stream link)
- Perso fixe (pas de counterpick !!) / Fixed character pick (no counterpicks!!) - Gouki est interdit / Gouki is banned
- Ping maximum : 80ms / Maximum ping with French players: 80ms
- Evitez l'utilisation du wi-fi / Avoid using wi-fi
- Pas de partage de compte / Account sharing is prohibited