
Organized by

Universe Titan cup 

No mmr limit open to all

Server : NA

Channel : Universe Titan Cup

Player must be join the discord server :

Total money $100

1st $60

2nd $40

1st 120 OSC points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players) 

2nd 60 OSC points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players) 

3rd + 4th 30 OSC points each (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)

5-8th 10 OSC points each (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)

9-16th 5 OSC points each

Plus 1x OSC Elite Rewards Club Guest Pass to the highest placing non club member

admin : universe, Innocolor

Server Rules:

KR/SEA/ANZ/CN vs EU east - Odd Number of Games on US Central, Even on US West

KR/SEA/ANZ/CN vs EU West- Odd Number of Games on US West, Even on US Central 

NA West vs EU - US East

NA Central/East vs EU -US east

LatAm vs EU - US East

NA vs KR - US West

NA vs CN/SEA/ANZ - US West

LatAm vs KR/CN/SEA/ANZ - US West

ANZ vs SEA - Odd Number of Games on Australia, Even on Singapore

KR vs SEA - Taiwan (if both players agree play on kr Server not Taiwan server)

Veto Process:

Player A - Higher MMR

Player B - Lower MMR

Best of Three - ABAB ABC

Best of Five - AB ABABC


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