Event: Women's World of Backgammon Mixed Doubles #3
Sponsored by : Women's World of Backgammon (Founders , Co-Directors and event organizers) Christine Merser and Karen Davis
Media Director/Zoom Coordinator: Frances Pearson (Blue Shoe Content and Women's World of Backgammon)
Tournament Director : Nano Cabrera ([email protected])
Tournament info: Single Elimination with Re-Buys , 7 point matches
Intermediate Division: RD1 March 12 2024 7PM US Eastern Time
Matches played on : https://heroes3.backgammonstudio.com/ (Tournament Room "WWB INT")
Clocks: LIVE6 settings 180/15 (15 seconds per play and 3 minutes per point)
Communication: Zoom
Bracket: Challonge