1st: $55
2nd: $25
3th: $10
4th: $10
SKILLCAP: Player till 2500 Aligulac Points are allow'd to play
Mappool: Ladder Mappol
Admin: Jumy
Vetos: Higher seed decides who starts
Server Rules: same as OSC
Channal EU: /join XmasCup
All Bo3, Final Bo5
15 min to late is w/o
1st 120 OSC points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)
2nd 60 OSC points (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)
3rd + 4th 30 OSC points each (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)
5-8th 10 OSC points each (+0.25 Pts x Number of players)
9-16th 5 OSC points each
+ 1x One Month OSCE Guest Pass to the highest placing non club member.