If you are entering the event please join the discord here to report scores and communicate with your opponent!
Link: https://discord.gg/KHMve3V
Powered By Matcherino:
BBTag : https://matcherino.com/tournaments/38594 - CODE: ZBTAG14
GBVS : https://matcherino.com/tournaments/38593 - CODE: ZBGBVS14
Welcome to ZoneBreakers Online! This will be a biweekly tournament series on Saturday. We will be running both Granblue Versus and Blazblue Cross Tag Battle. ALL Games will be played on Playstation 4 with an Ethernet Connection being REQUIRED! (NO EXCEPTIONS!) If you have any questions regarding the following rulesets, please contact a Tournament Organizer in the ZoneBreakers Online Discord.
This tournament is locked to the United States. You must be in one of the following 28 states or Washington DC to be eligible to enter [Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas. Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC, West Virginia, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine.
Tournaments are free to enter with a Matcherino Prize Pool funded by the links below! Use the code to donate 50 cents to the pot at no expense of your own!
Granblue Fanatasy Versus:
- 3pm (EST) Check-in Starts
- 3:30pm (EST) Registration Ends
- 4pm (EST) Granblue Versus Starts
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle:
- 5pm (EST) Check-in Starts
- 5:30pm (EST) Registration Ends
- 6pm (EST) BBTag Starts
General Rules:
WIRED CONNECTIONS ONLY. Players using a wireless connection will be disqualified. Please notify an Tournament Organizer immediately if there are any connection issues with another player! If players are unable to connect to each other or if the match is unplayable, the winner will be determined by coin flip. If a player continues to have connection issues throughout the tournament, they may be disqualified for the sake of fairness to other competitors.
Check-in Players must join the ZoneBreakers Online Discord and be available within the hour before the tournament starts to check-in. Once you have joined the server, change your nickname to include both your smash.gg and your name as displayed in game.
How to play:
Once the tournament begins, message your opponent in the appropriate channel and play your first match. Tag a TO after the match is over and report your results with the winner and score on Discord. Please wait for a TO to announce each round before starting your next Winners side match. Losers side matches can be played immediately without waiting until top cut. Select matches will be played on the tournament stream. Players will be invited to the stream lobby by a TO. Do not play your match off-stream if you are selected for stream matches. All Top Cut matches will be streamed depending on number of entrants. Participants are allowed to stream their gameplay on their individual channels as long as it does not interfere with their connection quality.
Double-elimination brackets.
Granblue Versus 2/3 games until finals. 3/5 games for Winners, Losers, and Grand Finals. (Can be changed depending on amount of entrants)
Blazblue Cross Tag will be 3/5 games for the duration of the event.
Game Specific Rules:
Granblue Fantasy:
- Round Timer 99 Seconds
- 2/3 Rounds
- Winner must keep the same character.
Banned Colors: Gold Color 17
Banned Weapon Skins: Vyrn Weapons
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle:
- Round Timer 180 Seconds
- Winners must keep same characters but they may switch team order.