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Would you like to JOIN the carnage that is the incredible AbleGamers Planetary Annihilation Tournament where the viewers CONTROL the CARNAGE?

Sign-up to be in with the opportunity to win yourself a place in this prestigious tournament. 

To win, you will have to best your opponents in Free-For-All games. We feel it best to hold a qualifier in the same format as the main event. The number of players in a given game will depend on the number of sign-ups we have. We will likely limit sign-ups in the interest of keeping the qualifier tournament to a reasonable run time. 

The event will be livecasted by Planetary Annihilation's WPMarshall on his twitch page [] on 17th of November 2018. Be sure to tune in even if you decide not to play, join the fun!

Important Info:

This tournament requires that you have Planetary Annihilation TITANS

PA Inc forum thread for all updates: 

This bracket is a preview and subject to change until the tournament is started.

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