The Training Mode Network Presents our flagship Guilty Gear Xrd Rev2 bracket for beginner and intermediate players, Blitz War!
To enter you cannot have placed top 8 at any major offline or online events for the game that wasn't beginner and intermediate specific. If you’re unsure that your skill level is our right for our bracket please contact a TO in the server and we’ll work it out.
Tournament is PC only and you must have a wired connection to enter.
For ease of bracket running and to chat with other beginner and intermediate players of fighting games please join our discord server:
Being in the server is required to participate in the bracket.
Check-in starts at 4pm pst/6pm cst/7pm cst and goes until 4:30 pm pst/6:30pm cst/7:30pm est. If you are not checked in on challonge and in the TMN discord by that time you will be DQ'd.