This is the monthly DNF Duel tournament hosted by the Oceania DNF Duel community & the Australian Anime Fighting Game Community.
Registration closes 6:00 PM AEST (GMT+10). Matches start 6:30 PM AEST (GMT+10)
Please make sure you are in the Australian Anime Fighting Game Community discord:
- Please do not play matches unless the T.O. has stated so. Matches will not count if you play without T.O. permission.
- Matches are played best of 3 (First to 2) for all matches except for winners' finals, losers' and grand finals which are best of 5.
- Make sure you report your match results on the tournament page or via the #dnf-tourney channel. (Contact Pyr0#0274 or @T.O.)
- Problematic connection may result in a game loss or disqualification. This will be determined case by case.
- If you cannot arrive to your match within a set amount of time after you are called you will be dq'ed to loser's bracket/eliminated from bracket.
Elimination timers Pools: 10 Minutes from time of TO call Finals (Losers, Winners, Grands): 5 Minutes from time of TO call