
  • Players
  • Format
    Double Elimination
  • Game
    Magic: The Gathering
  • Start
    November 29, 2018 at 9:00 PM CST
  • Check-in
Organized by

**Please click "show full description" below to see the full tournament process**

Welcome to the December DCM Double Elim Duel Commander Tournament!

Registration begins Monday, Nov 19th and closes Thursday, Nov 29th at 21:00 UTC-6/CST. Everyone who signs up by the deadline will get to play, so be prepared for byes. Seeding/byes for Round 1 will be random.

Games will be played on XMage, and players are encouraged to complete their matches promptly so we can move on to the next round(s).

Before the tournament:

  • Sign up on
  • Make sure you join the duel commander discord server (#league_things). All communication will be done here.
  • If you haven't already, post your time zone on this google sheet to make scheduling matches with your opponents easier.
  • Private message me your full decklist on discord (@duelcastermage #6853) as soon as possible after you sign up. It must be in the form of a publicly available website (tappedout and deckstats are the two most popular). I will not accept XMage .dck files. If you need help uploading your .dck file to one of the mentioned websites, just let us know in the discord. The deadline for completing this is the time at which the tournament goes live (Thursday, Nov 29th), not after the tournament ends! Please don't make me hound you on this. All deck lists will be revealed to all players once the tournament is live.
  • Make sure to check in here on challonge starting 24 hours before the tournament goes live. Check in opens Wednesday Nov 28th at 21:00 UTC-6/CST and closes Thursday Nov 29th at 21:00 UTC-6/CST. If you don't check in, you will be dropped!

Once the tournament is live:

  • Each round has a deadline for completion. These deadlines will be 3 days (72 hours) apart from each other, except for Rounds 1 and/or 2 (depending on how many people check in), which will last 5 days.
  • I will post the specific deadlines for each round once I know exactly how many players have signed up. 
  • Private message your current round opponent on discord ASAP to set up a time to play your match. Refer to the google sheet to help with scheduling.
  • If you do not make any reasonable attempt to complete your match, you will be dropped from the tournament.
  • If both players make concerted attempts to play their match, but can't make scheduling work, then I will "flip a coin" to randomly determine a winner.

In-game rules:

  • Match clocks ("time limit") must be set to 50 minutes per player. This is quite generous, and if you time out, you lose the round (sorry).  Please play at a reasonable pace.
  • Rollbacks are enabled, but are strictly for misclicks/dexterity errors (like accidentally skipping a phase) and bugs only. They are not to be used to take back a play mistake (like not reading cards) or a judgment call you regret (like playing a different land than you would've liked). If a rollback is used, both players cannot deviate strategically on the plays they made leading up to the rollback.
  • If a rollback is initiated and XMage crashes/bugs out (doesn't give priority to a player for the rest of the game), the player who requested the rollback must concede the game.
  • If your XMage server crashes or resets in the middle of a game, both players must restart that game from scratch unless one player is willing to concede. You are free to ask your opponent politely to concede if you clearly had a dominant position, but please don't pressure them to do so. They have the right to replay the game from scratch.
  • If your internet disconnects and you are unable to reconnect and rejoin the game with everything working properly, then you must concede that game.
  • If your opponent clearly has an infinite combo that wins the game, please be civil don't make them play it out completely. Remember, all decklists will be public information at the start of the tournament.
  • The "commander swap" rule has not been implemented on XMage yet, so the old rule of having to stick to your original commander for each game in the match still applies.

After a match is completed:

  • Report your match result on and optionally on #league_things on the discord server.
  • If you finish your match early, you may have to wait for your next round opponent. You'll get an email from challonge saying your next round opponent is ready. Complete that next round by its deadline.

 If we get enough players I will submit the decklists to after the tournament is completed.

Please direct any questions to #league_things on the discord. Good luck and have fun!

Final Results












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