
  • Players
  • Format
    Round Robin
  • Game
    Street Fighter 6
  • Start
    November 6, 2023 at 8:00 AM PST
Organized by


- Cammy Discord players only

- FT3

- Arrange your own fights

- Record your own W/L

- Don't complain about the connection

- Level 2 supers are allowed unless you are Rashid, Blanka or JP

- jk you can use level 2

- if we see salt you are outta here

- Go through the rounds at your own pace. Respect your opponents' schedules. This is not CPT so please just chill

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third

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Rank Participant Match W-L-T TB Set Wins Set Ties Pts
1 psxsquall 11 - 1 - 4 0 11 0 32
2 PrinceATI 9 - 3 - 4 0 9 0 26
3 Qerat 8 - 0 - 8 0 8 0 21
4 TenshuRyu (CFNJustinAkatsuki) 7 - 1 - 8 0 7 0 19
5 Tagsz 6 - 8 - 2 0 6 0 20
6 lone_outlaw 5 - 2 - 9 0 5 0 13
7 AndIHaveABeard 4 - 2 - 10 0 4 0 11
8 Darkillumina 4 - 4 - 8 0 4 0 11
9 howihowi 4 - 9 - 3 0 4 0 18
10 Advance54 3 - 0 - 13 0 3 0 3
11 Gwizard 3 - 1 - 12 0 3 0 5
12 Clarita (airerita) 3 - 2 - 11 0 3 0 6
13 LemunAide 2 - 4 - 10 0 2 0 6
14 TobbRobb 1 - 6 - 9 0 1 0 3
15 Dusty (Dousty) 1 - 8 - 7 0 1 0 6
16 Kyrax (GuiSim) 0 - 5 - 11 0 0 0 0
17 Izzymiroquai 0 - 15 - 1 0 0 0 0