Правила на русском - https://vk.cc/7XSD88
Tournament starts 22 April at 17 cet.
The tournament will last for the evening, depending on the number of participants.
Bracket - https://challonge.com/ru/koftm1
Format - Double-Elimination
Mode - Duel
Maps - Blood Run only
Register - To take part you need to go to our discord ( https://discordapp.com/invite/dVdB5Hy ), write "KING" in the channel "check-in" and register in bracket.
Registration closes 2 hrs before tournament starts (22.03 at 16 cet).
Rules: Low bracket - BO1, Upper bracket - BO1, Upper bracket final - BO3, Upper bracket grand-final - BO3
The finalist of the top bracket has the advantage of one card
If two players are online, but cant create a lobby - write the organizers of the tournament
In case of any problems - write to the organizers of the tournamentServer is selected with the smallest ping difference
Lobby setup:
1. Duration of the round - 5 min
2. BO5Number of participants: Unlimited
Insult in any form - disqualification after the second warning.
Prize pool :
1. 1st place - 1000p (~16$)
Stream/Game records https://www.twitch.tv/opencyberleague
YouTube - https://goo.gl/5YzKAw