Read the tourney rules here
Tournament starts at 12:00 pm CST (1:00 pm EST, 11:00 am MT, 10:00 am PT)
Welcome to the major run by Pockets crossing fates (PCF)
To begin us off, make sure that you check in to the site at least an hour ahead of time, failure to do so may risk disqualification from the tourney, though you may check in ahead by 6 hours ahead, and tourney sign ups will be closed half an hour before start time.
You must be in the discord to join this tourney
For Pools, there are channels for your pool to talk to, find your match, and post results in. Each pool will be labeled accordingly, so please do all your pool chat there.
Pool matches will be best of 3 or FT2, while post-pool matches will be FT3 or best of 5
Please post results in discord channel for your match and at @runninhands and @fatmap02
Schedule will be in the discord for when to play your matches
The tourney will be put on stream at runninhands - Twitch as watching it may make the event go faster, so please hop on by.
All issues regarding to network, player behavior, or anything inappropriate or unsportsmanlike should be reported to the trouble channel and @runninhands @fatmap @corruptedlion @Yukarimeta will handle the issue as soon as possible
More info can be found in the discord channel, please look through the channel and at an admin with any questions you may have
Free to join, but skill to win, come make/take a name at the Pocket games and enjoy yourself. Good Luck have Fun
Cash prizes: