
Organized by

PiGosaur Monday #15

Map Announcement: #15 2025-01-06

For the foreseeable future, we are continuing to utilize the modified map pool described below. The map pool replaces the live, older maps (Abyssal Reef, Neon Violet Square, and King's Cove) with three new maps that have not been in the pool: Erreholm, Starchild, and Talisman. Therefore, the map pool for PiGosaur Monday #15 will be:

  •  [TLMC15] Erreholm
  •  Frostline LE
  •  Ultralove
  •  [TLMC17] Starchild
  •  Ley Lines
  •  Whispers of Gold
  •  PT: Talisman
  •  Amygdala
  •  El Dorado

Community legend Patches has put together a doc describing the map pool, and you can access it here!

Tournament Info

PiG and Stegosaurus have come together to bring to you a $400 Americas weekly!

Format: BO3 Single-Elim with BO5 finals

Prize: $200 Winner, $100 Runner-Up, $50 3rd/4th place

Registration & Check-in

Registration is via this Challonge page. Check-in opens at 7 PM ET / 4 PM PT (1-hour prior to event start) and closes promptly at 8 PM ET / 5 PM ET. Players who fail to check-in will not be able to play!

Tournament Format

All matches are BO3, except for the finals which are BO5. Seeding will be done by the admins at their discretion.

Lobby creation & Play

Players should join channel "stegomonday" on the Americas in the SC2 client. Please ensure you are set up to allow messages from other players. Once the bracket is final, you should locate your opponent and communicate to pick/ban maps (more info below) and create the lobby. If you are unable to locate your opponent, please let us know in the in-game channel or via DM. Walk-overs will be granted after 15 minutes or at the admins' discretion.

Map Pool

The following maps are to be used for the PiGosaur Monday (please make sure to use ESL maps when specified):

  •  Erreholm
  •  Frostline LE
  •  Ultralove
  •  Starchild
  •  Ley Lines
  •  Whispers of Gold
  •  Talisman
  •  Amygdala
  •  El Dorado

Map Pick/Veto process (for BO3)

The higher seed can choose whether they want to veto first (A) or second (B). Vetoes then happen in the order ABABAB. The maps are then picked by A and B, with the final match taking place on the only remaining map.

Example process:

> _Player 1_: I will veto first  
> _Player 1_: -Erreholm 
> _Player 2_: -El Dorado
> _Player 1_: -Talisman
> _Player 2_: -Whispers
> _Player 1_: -Amygdala
> _Player 2_: -Ley Lines
> _Player 1_: +Frostline
> _Player 2_: +Ultralove 

In this example, the maps played will be Frostline, Ultralove, and then Starchild (if necessary).

BO5 Finals

The BO5 pick/ban format is the same as ESL: Veto AB, Pick AB, Veto AB, Pick AB C

Server choice

We recognize that this tournament will attract players all over the world. We recommend discussing server choice with your opponent and trying to reach a compromise so that play is fair and fun for all. Server alternation is allowed. If you do not know what servers are fair between players of differing locations, please refer to the Default Server Cross Table. That said, as an event intended primarily to support the Americas, we expect most players to play on a US server, and therefore players from other regions should expect a certain amount of ping disadvantage. If there are disputes, please let one of the admins know and they will make the final decision.

Lobby settings

Lobbies should be created using the "Observer PlusPlus Bugfixes" mod. Please set the settings as follows:

- Game Duration: Infinite
- Game Speed: Faster
- Locked Alliances: Yes
- Game Privacy: No Match History

Please share your lobby link in the in-game channel, especially if requested by approved casters. Only players, approved casters, and admins should be allowed in lobbies.

In game

Please be polite and considerate to your fellow players and casters. Pauses are allowed, within reason, up to 2 minutes. Reasons should always be provided. Casters, observers, and admins should always ensure that they do not have a negative impact on network or client performance. If a disconnect or technical issue occurs and a pause is extended indefinitely, or the game is closed, please contact an admin so we can arrange a rematch or resume from replay.

Reporting results

Please report results to the admins in Discord or in-game channel. You can also report results directly in Challonge to keep the bracket up to date. Please do not report results to challonge incorrectly. If the challonge reports are incorrect, reach out to admins.

Other Rules/Clarifications

  • The tournament is open to all 
  • Casters can join at the admins discretion 
  • "Admins" include Stegosaurus, PiG, & Steadfast
  • Race switching is allowed


Winners will be paid out via Matcherino or Paypal. We cannot guarantee that our partners will be able to transfer payments to players in all countries but the admins will make their best effort to pay players while complying with service terms and regulations.


We hope you all have a great time, and good luck on the battlefield. Let us know if there is anything we can help with!

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third














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