Saturday, September 5th @ 2pm EDT / 8pm CET
First place team will win $70 USD (minus exchange fees, if recipient outside of US)
Second place team will win $40 USD
*Must have a valid Venmo or Paypal account to receive prize money.
*You may join as an individual, we will group you up once check-in's are complete.
*No Champion Bans (we are not pros, so don't expect you to be great with every champ)
*Once a team pings you on discord you have 15 minutes to respond or they can force you to forfeit the match
Game type: Team Instagib
Frag limit: 75
Time limit: 10 minutes
Win criteria: First to 75 frags or highest score at end of game
Matches until Final: Best 2 out of 3 map maps (BO3 - best of three)
Finals: Best 3 out of 5 maps (BO5 - best of five). The winner's bracket finalist has a 1 map advantage in the final. They only need to win 2 maps to secure the Cup. The loser's bracket finalist must win 3 maps to secure the Cup.
Check-in open one hour before tournament start time
Players must check-in here and on QAL discord server https://discord.gg/gdRy6BM
Please post your in-game name and elo ranking plus screenshot for verification in #check-in on discord server.
Map List:
Each team picks one map
If a tiebreaker is required, TIE BREAKER MAP: Corrupted Keep
Server Determination
All matches will be played on mutually agreed servers. If teams are in different regions, one map must be played on each server. Tiebreaker server will be determined by frag difference of the first two (2) maps for a best of three (3) series. Or the frag difference of the first four maps for the Finals.
Match Reporting
Players are responsible for taking a screen capture of the results to be used as valid proof in the event of a protest. Following the match, both teams are expected to enter the series score.