When: Sunday, July 8th, 12:00 pm EDT
Server: NA (Unless both players agree on EU)
Prize Pool: $10 USD first place, $5 USD second place. Prizes are distributed via PayPal and may be subject to PayPal fees (depending upon where recipients live).
Map Pool/Picks: Current-season ladder maps. First map is prepicked. Loser chooses second map. Alternating choices after.
First Round(s): 16-Bit
Semis: Acid Plant
Grand Finals: Catalyst
Format: Bo3 all rounds until Semis (Bo5) and Finals (Bo7)
**Sign-ups and check-in**
Sign-ups will be conducted on Challonge, but first:
Join our Discord (https://discord.gg/TCtEgg4) and provide us with the following information:
-Battle.net ID (example: SymphoniC#1532)
-Current Highest League, MMR, Server (M2, 4800+, NA)
-Challonge username (DoD_SymphoniC)
-After providing us with your information on Discord, sign up for the tournament on Challonge. THE CHALLONGE LINK WILL BE PROVIDED IN DISCORD! You will also be required to check in for the tournament beginning at 11:30 am EDT and ending at 11:59 am EDT.
**Other rules and conditions may apply: contact tournament admins Nakamura and SymphoniC with any questions**