
Organized by

We aim to celebrate the worldwide release of Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon by hosting a week 1 tournament in order to gather footage of the competitive enviroment of the game before it has been figured out.

This way we will have something to look back on later down the line after the game has stopped receiving updates and support.


1. The tournament is open to anyone and everyone but to ensure a smooth experience for all participants a WIRED connection will be mandatory for all entrants.

Any wi-fi warriors will be disqualified or not allowed entry.

2. Due to animations becoming invisible randomly on high ping connections the following parts have been banned: 
- Assault Armor.
- IA-C01W1 NEBULA Plasma Rifle.
- IB-C03W2: WLT 101 Coral Oscillator's Charged Attack (you can still use it as long as you don't perform the charged attack.)
addtional restriction: Winning a match by abusing the moonlight's charged attack going through cover will render that win null.

3. After further testing of the game's netcode the following multiplayer bugs have been observed:
- Certain animations won't be displayed properly during the fight, these include: Assault Armor Explosion and Melee Weapon Animations.
- It has been reported that the IA-C01W1 NEBULA's projectiles and AOE can become invisible on high-ping connections.
- Damage and Stun registrations can be delayed on very high ping connections.
If the connection is so bad that the game becomes unplayable then the person who is less likely to have a good connection with the rest of the participants will be disqualified.

4. The game might not be stable to the point were crashes aren't impossible so should this happen during a match, said match will be re-run unless the judges deem that the crash/bug occuring didn't really change the outcome and the match already had a clear winner.


- The matches will be played on PC.

- Due to the huge amount of players providing a neutral host won't be possible, however due to the type of netcode the game utilizes, a neutral host has been deemed to not be required.

- Best of Three (The game has a built in best of three format for duels, but this will count as a single round for the purposes of the tournament, so you will be required to win two of these to win a match.), 3 minute timer on each round, Double Elimination, Winners side player must be eliminated twice in grand finals.

- Players will be allowed the use of any of their AC and will be able to switch freely during matches and between rounds.

- Map selection will be the following: Wall Sector, Old Bertram Spaceport and Xylem The Floating City.
Each player will ban one map and the remaining map will be the one they play on during the matches, the highest seed will get to pick who goes first during the map selection (highest as in 0 > 999).

- Players will be required to join the Armored Core Discord Server for organization purposes (Link:

- Certain matches will be marked for streaming (meaning that the players won't be allowed to play their match unless that match is happening on stream) the list of matches marked for streaming will be decided a little after the start of the tournament. Matches not marked for streaming can happen freely and won't require the players to join either of the streamers in order to play.

The tournament will take place on September 2nd at 1:00 PM (GMT-4).
It will be streamed live at: and

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third















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