To participate join the Discord!
Start time is 7:30pm CEST to give time for seeding and preparation.
This tournament is in a Double Elimination format.
The bracket is FT2/BO3 until top 3. Winners, Losers and Grand Finals are Ft3.
Loser can change their character.
Eligible Regions/Countries: Europe, CIS Region, *MENA (Limited)
means that MENA players are allowed, but with a 150ms limit. Should
there be connection issues between a player from an eligible region and a
limited region where both players have a stable connection but more
than 150ms in game, the player from the limited region will receive a
With this rule change, we're trying to accommodate as many players as
possible, since it seems like the netcode isn't solid enough to fully
allow MENA. As usual, we'll keep an eye on connection issues and will
tweak the rule if it ends up being a bit excessive.
Wireless connections (Wi-Fi) are not permitted, please use an ethernet cable.
4G/5G routers are not permitted.
Ping @Event Team in #disputes on the EMEA Discord if you run into connectivity issues or can't find your opponent. People are DQ'd after 10 minutes of not showing up.
Regular DQ rules apply to people who are double bracketing.
Players have to update the scores on Challonge themselves after playing a match.