


PM me for Chatstep links

Please use your Pokemon Showdown name as your chatstep name.

The bracket will be shuffled, to prevent building your team against your opponent.

We will draft 2 OU mons, 2 UU mons,  and 1 RU mon.

We will also draft 1 Mega mon.

There will be a pool of twice the participants for each one, so if there are 4 players there will be 16 OU mons, 16 UU mons, and 8 RU mons.

There will be a pool of 4 times the amount of players for Mega mons, because they could be from Mega Audino to Mega Alakazam.

No Ubers Megas.

Battle in Gen 7 OU.

Это предварительная турнирная сетка, до начала турнира она может быть изменена .

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