
  • Players
  • Format
    Single Elimination
  • Game
    warcraft 2
  • Start
    November 8, 2020 at 7:00 PM EET
  • Check-in
    Underway Now
Organized by

War2 1v1 gow ef high tourney. Only for the best of best. Warvideo is required. 

BO3 BO5 depending on the player base. 

Winner 50euros

2nd 30 euros 

3rd 15 euros  


If ss asked, It has to be given in 3 minutes after game ended. Also the ss asker has to give one afterwards. Screenshots handle me the admin. Warvideos have to be given before any money is shared. Just easiest for all is to just simply warvid every single game separately n Save them. Every player has one pause per game 1 minute long man, No longer. 

This bracket is a preview and subject to change until the tournament is started.

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